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Setting HTTPS $_SERVER variables in PHP-FPM with Nginx 有大用

A typical Nginx setup uses fastcgi_pass directives to pass the request to the PHP-FPM daemon. If you would be running an Apache setup, Apache would automatically set the HTTPS server variable, that PHP code can check via $_SERVER['HTTPS'] to determine if the request is HTTP or HTTPs.

In fact, that’s how most CMS’s (WordPress, Drupal, …) determine the server environment. They’ll also use it for redirects from HTTP-to-HTTPs or vica versa, depending on the config. So the existence of the $_SERVER['HTTPS'] variable is pretty crucial.

Nginx doesn’t pass the variable by default to the PHP-FPM daemon when you use fastcgi_pass, but it is easily added.

A basic example in Nginx looks like this.

include fastcgi_params;
fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(.*)$;
fastcgi_index  index.php;
fastcgi_param  SCRIPT_FILENAME  $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;

# Check if the PHP source file exists (prevents the cgi.fix_pathinfo=1 exploits)
if (-f $request_filename) {
    fastcgi_pass   backend_php; # This backend is defined elsewhere in your Nginx configs

The example above is a classic one, that just passes all to PHP. In order to make PHP-FPM aware of your HTTPs setup, you need to add a fastcgi_param environment variable to the config.

include fastcgi_params;
fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(.*)$;
fastcgi_index  index.php;
fastcgi_param  SCRIPT_FILENAME  $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;

# Make PHP-FPM aware that this vhost is HTTPs enabled
fastcgi_param  HTTPS 'on';

# Check if the PHP source file exists (prevents the cgi.fix_pathinfo=1 exploits)
if (-f $request_filename) {
    fastcgi_pass   backend_php; # This backend is defined elsewhere in your Nginx configs

The solution is in the fastcgi_param HTTPS 'on'; line, which passes the HTTPS variable to the PHP-FPM daemon.

来自  https://ma.ttias.be/setting-https-server-variables-in-php-fpm-with-nginx/

PHP-FPM + Nginx 架构下解决SSL不输出 $_SERVER['HTTPS'] 问题

背景: 最近在搭建Discuz X,因为考虑支持HTTPS,所以按照经验来部署证书,服务器用的是阿里云的云服务,选择了LNMP。但是chrome一直都提示不安全,还提示此网页正试图从未经验证的来源加载脚本 。这说明我页面上加载的资源不纯粹是https的,有部分是http的或者有些资源不支持https却用了https。打开浏览器控制台找到提示的源,发现基本都是功能组件加载的时候是以http加载的。

$_G['isHTTPS'] = ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) != 'off') ? true : false;

使用$_SERVER['HTTPS']来判断是http还是https,但在Nginx+PHP-FPM架构下,nginx使用fastcgi_pass指令将请求传递给PHP-FPM,但是在使用fastcgi_pass时,Nginx默认不会将HTTPS传递给PHP-FPM。如果你使用的是Apache,它就会自动设置HTTPS服务器变量,PHP代码可以通过$ _SERVER ['HTTPS']检查以确定请求是HTTPS还是HTTP。那现在就需要需改nginx配置或者discuz程序来解决问题。基于服务器的兼容性考虑,还是修改nginx配置。因为很多CMS程序(WordPress,Drupal,...)都是使用$ _SERVER ['HTTPS']来确定请求是HTTPS还是HTTP。修改方法如下:

方法1:增加 一个fastcgi_param 环境变量即可。

fastcgi_param  HTTPS 'on';



$_G['isHTTPS'] = ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 443 || $_SERVER['HTTPS'] && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) != 'off') ? true : false;


后记:记得检查其他引用资料是否为https 比如模板中备案号查询地址等处。有问题欢迎留言讨论!

来自  https://www.jianshu.com/p/b51ac3bec677
